Topics for the 19th EWRS Symposium
1. Weed Biology and Physiology
a. Dormancy and soil seed bank dynamics
b. Germination ecology
c. Emergence and early growth
d. Weed genetics and systematics
e. Weed physiology
2. Weed Ecology
a. Weed community dynamics
b. Species distribution, surveys, and mapping
c. Interaction between fields and surrounding vegetation
d. Conservation of biodiversity
e. Impact of climate changes on weeds
f. New invasive weed species
g. Risk assessment and management of invasive weeds
3. Crop–Weed Interactions
a. Competition – thresholds, critical periods
b. Improvement of crop competition effect
c. Parasitism– mechanisms and molecular basis
d. Distribution and impact of parasitic weeds
e. Control of parasitic weeds
f. Allelopathy –basis, applications in weed management
g. Modelingof crop-weed interactions
4. Site-specificWeed Management
a. Weed sensing and maping
b. Data management, GIS, algorithms
c. Unmanned aircraft systems for precision weed detection and management
d. Robotics in weed management
5. Herbicide Resistance
a. Mechanisms of target site and non-target site resistance
b. Resistance evolution - principles and modeling
c. New cases of herbicide resistance
d. Resistance management tools and economics
e. Anti-resistant platforms and information systems
f. Omicsapproachesin herbicide resistance research
6. Non-chemical Weed Control Tools
a. Mechanical and physical weed control
b. Mulching and cover crops
c. Biological control
d. Weed management in organic farms
7. Herbicides and Application Technology
a. New product concepts and development
b. Optimization of herbicide use
c. Herbicide tolerant crops
d. Improvements in formulation technology
e. Adjuvants, sprayers and application techniques
8. Weed Management on Non-agriculturalLand
a. Weed management in non-agricultural areas
b. Plant management in areas of nature conservation
c. Vegetation management in non-agricultural landscapes
9. Agricultural, Economic and Societal Aspects of Weed Management
a. Economics of weed management
b. Socio-economic aspects of weed management
c. Environmental aspects of weed management
d. Regulatory systems and their impact on weed management
e. Dissemination of knowledge and transfer of technologies